Queue Tweet Function

A Twitter function that allows the user to schedule the date and time for future tweets and view the queue. When the time arrives, the tweet will automatically send.

Duration: Sept 2021
Role: Team of one
Type: Unsolicited redesign project


I don't have the time to send this tweet on this date!

As an artist and content creator on Twitter, it is important to be able to maintain an online presence. However, many times I’m with the personal pains of being unable to tweet at the times where my followers are most active due to other obligations. Sometimes, I’m even away for days or weeks at a time! Currently, there seems to be no options for the common user to queue tweets. ​

My objectives for this project are:


User Interviews

To get a better understanding of how other Twitter users interact with the platform, I interviewed 14 Twitter users about their experience with the app. The demographics of these users consisted of artists, shop owners, small businesses, lurkers, memers, etc.​

A few questions I asked these individuals are:

Some key takeaways and responses I had were:


Competitive Analysis

I began by looking at the other social media platforms that my artist peers and I commonly use, and noted down the biggest examples. After this, I researched how each platform addressed the ability to schedule posts. To my surprise, there aren’t very many easily accessible options! Now I see why so many of my fellow content creators share their accounts with friends to help with posting!




User Journey Map

As this project is adding a feature to an existing application, instead of creating user flow diagrams, I opted for a user journey app instead. This helps me better understand the emotions and goals of the users while utilizing the new feature.


Wireframe Sketching

After sketching some user stories, I sat down in a library with some coffee and moved onto quick wireframe sketches to try and figure out how I wanted to implement the features from the user interviews. I opted against a user profile as it seemed like largely filler content, and mostly unnecessary. I tried to really narrow the focus to the necessary tasks. You can see some of my sketches below:


UI Design — Hi-Fi Mockups

Following the sketches, I had begun putting the design together on Figma. The most challenging aspect of this was adhering to Twitter's specific style guide and making sure this new feature didn't clash with the rest of the app. Because I spent a lot of extra time fiddling with my design sketches, I followed the wireframe sketch pretty closely. Perusing Twitter, I realized they didn't have too many confirm buttons, so I opted for an auto-save on swipe calendar.


The Final

The final mockups with all the tabs and interactions! I designed to make sure everything made sense and that user flow was maintained. One of the bigger changes I implemented with this feature is that I removed the independent "Drafts" button and added that function along with the Queue and Schedule Tweet features within one kebab menu, that is also used a lot throughout the app.​A look at the final mockup screens:​


Final Thoughts

The last part is looking back at the design process and ponder the ways that I can grow. All in all, this was an incredibly fun solo study to solve one of my personal pains as a content creator on an app I spend way too much time on. ​

My challenges definitely included having to keep Twitter's branding in mind, and double and triple checking every design solution to make sure it was consistent with the message Twitter is trying to send. In the future, especially for these kinds of case studies of existing brands, I would 100% dedicate more time into the research phase of all. This will help me see and digest what Twitter's developers and CEO have to say about their vision and their branding, and designing solutions that might better convey those ideas to the users.

​I hope to create a design that is unmistakably "Twitter".